why does this happen?

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in 2019 i had an xs max & one day the screen froze, it would not shut off or let me do anything so i just let it die and then plugged it in. when it turned back on it stayed on the apple screen, had to get a new phone bc it never worked again.

new phone was an 11 pro, it worked wonderfully until recently. at first a black spot popped up, it still worked fine for another couple months after that. in January a green line appeared in the middle of the screen and then all of a sudden within 5 mins it went full on 90s rainbow static and then black.

my husbands had the same phones as me both times & his have never had any of these issues. why the heck do mine keep self destructing?

now ive been stuck on my 7+ from 2016, that still works perfectly until my new phone comes in.

submitted by /u/izziishigh

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