How to get Calm Thoughts in Infinity Nikki

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Calm Thoughts are a material needed to evolve your outfits in Infinity Nikki, but where do you get them? These somewhat rare drops are only obtained from running a specific type of realm via warp spires, but you’ll have to play quite a bit of the story to unlock it.

Below, we explain where to get Calm Thoughts in Infinity Nikki and what Calm Thoughts are used for.

How to get Calm Thoughts in Infinity Nikki

If you’ve been playing Infinity Nikki since launch (or around then), you may have some Calm Thoughts in your inventory already. This is because all players received some via in-game mail (along with some other goodies). However, to get more than this, you’ll need to get complete Chapter 7 of the main story. This requires a “Stylist Heroine” rank at minimum, so you’ll need to play the game and complete daily wishes for several real-life days before you can get this far.

Chapter 7 ends with a larger-scale boss fight that will reward you with three more Calm Thoughts. After this, if you want more, you’ll need to complete the “Realm of Breakthrough” at warp spires, which sends you off against the Chapter 7 boss again. On our first clear, we got three Calm Thoughts, so you’ll need to clear this several times over a few weeks to get enough to upgrade your outfits.

Image: InFold Games/Papergames via Polygon

It’s extremely likely that as the story in Infinity Nikki grows and more bosses get added in future updates, there will be more opportunities to get Calm Thoughts via more weeklies.

In version 1.2, Papergames ran a “Deep Breakthrough” event for three weeks, allowing you to get doubled rewards from the Realm of Breakthrough. It’s pretty likely that this event will appear in future patches, too, which should help ease the load on the required Calm Thoughts you need to evolve your outfits.

What to use Calm Thoughts for in Infinity Nikki

Calm Thoughts are used to get color variations of existing outfits in Infinity Nikki through a process called “Evolution.” They are specifically used for four-star outfits and you need seven Calm Thoughts to evolve them, alongside some other materials, like thread and Bling. This only changes the colors of the outfit and does not add stats.

Nikki poses in an orange clown outfit in Infinity Nikki.

Image: InFold Games/Papergames via Polygon

To evolve your outfits, you’ll also need a second copy of the clothes. For any outfits that you’ve obtained as part of the story, you’ll just need to open your sketch menu up and cook up another set of clothes (if you have the materials to do so).

Note that outfits obtained via paid methods, like buying from the store or rolling in the gacha, do not need Calm Thoughts to evolve. You only need the duplicate set of clothes, so you’ll need to use the gacha more or buy the outfit twice. You can preview all the alternate colors in the Evolution menu, so you should do that to carefully plan your Calm Thoughts usage. (Do I regret getting this orange clown outfit, especially after realizing some of the other ability outfits have more slayful colorways? Maybe so.)

If you’re looking for more info about Infinity Nikki, we have a beginner’s guide, a list of codes, and a guide noting where to unlock more clothes.

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