Just Crow Things is a very funny, silly game that’s full of quests and weird things to do. That and you can poop on people.
You know, I always thought if I was a bird, my life would just be building nests and singing songs too early in the morning. In this game, however, you get to be a crow and cause lots of mischief! Playing as an adorable little crow whose special possession has been stolen, you will work your way through a bunch of levels that see you just causing chaos.

Everything about Just Crows Things is hilarious and well developed. From the text that the NPCs say to the level selection map to the giant bread with a face that seems to laugh when you drop it – it’s all silly and appealing. Over the course of several weeks, Robin and I have tag-teamed through the game, helping our animal friends and deciding when we are sick of levels and want to move on.
You see, when you enter a level, you can sort of decide how much of it you want to play. There are different quest points along the map that give you different tasks to do. Sometime it’s simple things like pooping on humans or collecting objects, and sometimes it’s asking you to solve a puzzle to get into a temple or to completely destroy a market.

These different quests give you points, and you only need 100 points to then go onto the next level. If a quest is particularly challenging, you don’t need to solve it and can instead just move on. Completing all the tasks in a level does unlock a secondary item (which is often some sort of cosmetic). There are also optional races on each level if you are into flying.
Just Crow Things is a chamring little sandbox game, as you can just mess around in these environments, but the different quests are such a fun guide to the levels. The stages are also all quite big when it comes to the actual space. If you like playing games with your kids or don’t take yourself very seriously, this is a fantastic option for you! There are plenty of objects to interact with and ways to play, and everything is super funny.
Just Crow Things is available now on the Nintendo eShop, Microsoft Store, and Steam. It is projected for release on the PlayStation Store in the future.