The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Rune Slayer

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After two failed launches and months of waiting, Rune Slayer is out, and IT IS GLORIOUS. We’re having a lot of fun with the game, but there’s there’s definitely a lot to learn, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience with MMORPG-like games. Not to worry, we’ve prepared a guide to help you get started with your journey in Rune Slayer.

Rune Slayer Beginner Tips

These are some of the things we wish we knew when we got started with our journey that would have made things a lot easier.

Do not randomly attack other players

Screenshot by The Escapist

When we heard Rune Slayer was going to have full-loot PvP, we got really worried, thinking this would be another senseless bloodbath. Turns out, we were wrong,… well, mostly. When you die in Rune Slayer, you don’t really lose anything (even if you die to other players). You simply get back up and continue, just like that.

However, if you attack other players, you gain a bounty. The more you kill, the more your bounty grows, and the higher your bounty, the more items you’ll drop when you die. So, in other words, the only way you can turn this game into a full-loot PvP is if you start killing players and then get eventually taken out.

Because of this, we recommend you simply don’t attack other players unless you have a good reason to… or a group of friends backing you up while you’re mercilessly ganking everyone.

Craft Bags ASAP

A Rune Slayer's player equipment showing a bag equipped in the bag slot
Screenshot by The Escapist

You’ll learn pretty soon that both your bank space and especially your inventory are extremely limited. Sure, carrying 50 items may seem like a lot, but it gets filled OH SO EASILY. To remedy this, the game lets you craft bags. You can equip up to two bags at once, and the first bag you can craft is a Cotton Bag.

Get Cotton from north of Wayshire and Flax from the south (it’s a bit dangerous south so just be careful of the mobs). Each Cotton Bag will give you an extra 10 slots, so make sure you craft these ASAP.

Your pets don’t actually die

A Rune Slayer player is talking to a Stable Master
Screenshot by The Escapist

A common misconception seems to be that once your tamed pets drop their health to 0, they simply die. This just isn’t true.

Once your pet dies, it simply can’t be summoned back for 5 minutes. You can hold T and check how long this cooldown is once your pet gets “killed.” Once the five minutes are up, simply hold T and you’ll summon your pet back.

Bonus Tip: If you want to quickly heal your pet, simply store and unstore it at the stable master. You have one free slot, so use it.

Grab all the Quests (Yes, all of them)

A Rune Slayer player has walking into the Adventurers Guild
Screenshot by The Escapist

Rune Slayer is a game with A LOT of quests… definitely too many to list at once. Most of them aren’t repeatable but at the same time, none of them are that memorable either. In fact, they all pretty much function like typical “Kill 10 X Quests” we’ve seen in so many MMORPGs. There’s also a good chance you’re not really going to read most of them, right?

To remedy all these problems at once, simply accept every quest you come across. The Job board? Grab everything there, too. We found it was much easier to do many Quests at once than one at a time. Often, you’ll even be able to combine two quests or jobs into one. Trust us; we weren’t even aware we had three quests to turn in this one time we came back to Wayshire.

Craft everything at least once (even things you don’t need)

Rune Slayer armor crafting menu showing everything the player has learned to craft
Screenshot by The Escapist

Of course, you should definitely craft what you need first… but if you have spare materials that you know you won’t need, craft what you can. Why? Because oftentimes, by crafting things for the first time, you’ll unlock new, and more powerful crafts. We actually unlocked a whole slew of new craftable Iron Armor after we smelted our first Iron Ore. So don’t be stingy with your mats and craft away.

Join a Guild

Rune Slayer is really solo-friendly, but once you get a bit deeper into the game, you’re going to find some tougher enemies. Several of these (especially those with large health bars) were designed to be fought in groups, and the easiest way to find a group is if you’re in a guild.

So, either shout in the general chat that you need a guild, or find one using the official Rune Slayer Discord server, but get yourself some buddies to take out the big baddies.

And that’s all there is to it. Have fun playing Rune Slayer and if you haven’t started already, check out the Rune Slayer Trello and Discord.

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